SociSmart – 5 day Instagram Threads marketing certification From Cindy Donovan - Threads Profits!

10 months ago

SociSmart –

Cindy Donovan’s SociSmart – Threads Academy & Resource Kit – SociSmart is the ultimate training academy and resource portal for more traffic, leads, sales and authority using the new social platform, Instagram Threads.

NEW Methods To Tap Into Instagram Threads Audience… Anyone Can Do It!

Smashing IG’s No Monetization Barrier
5 Part Video Series
Especially created for JVZoo audiences wanting to make money with the new Threads platform, this 5 part video series shows them how!
We cover a simple step by step system to generating income with Threads as just a small taste of what’s available in our upcoming complete certification program

How To DM Your Threads Followers
In this training they’ll discover:
How to connect with their audience even while Threads doesn’t have a in-app DM function
Get a complete advantage, nurturing personal connections while everyone else waits months for them to create this feature
Tips showing how to communicate in a way that leads to deeper connections, more followers and more passionate paying customers
This training addresses a direct need Threads users have

30 Day Threads Content Planner
In this gift they’ll receive:
A complete strategy and outline showing them how to plan their Threads social media approach
Explanations about the kinds of content that work most effectively on the Threads platform
A done-for-you 30 day prompt planner, sharing what to post so it’s as simple as copy, slightly customise and post

SociSmart –

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