Demonstrating the Qualities of Sung ( and spoken ) Frequency

1 year ago

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On this last day of July, I’m talking about shape of sound. These very powerful tools can be accessed anywhere: you don’t need anything around you.

0.00 My dream of singing out a tone over a crowd to bring a peaceful state…
1.11 Working on how to overcome the matrix signal frequencies…. image of frequency influence
2.22 How to identify humans in our original soul technology to introduce frequency to change this.
3.00 certain notes will make the glass buzz for resonance: to influence how our voices can shift things.
3.50 I am working on a new set of songs, different songs and frequencies for specific ‘medicine’
4.22 The jabs with the snake venom, parasites, self organising graphene oxide, the blocking of specific DNA…activation frequency of the five gee- the apocalyptic movies of zombified humans….frequency signals may yet be given to these infested entities, to activate something- which we will need to counteract.= by inserting the right frequency.
6.50 Aiming to find frequencies of activation and frequencies to annul the programs frequencies to limit the damage to being in soothing and calm and enable transition.
7.30 Kari arrives… and I connect my microphone to record the real songs I will be making, with a coupe of sounds. I made an entire recording which is available at the end of this chat to attune yourself to- you can try to make these sounds and find your own.
9.30 explaining some of essences of the frequencies which can be produced by the voice.
Talking about the state of KNOWING
14.14 Kari describes the day she discovered she IS love…
15.44 Discussina el-ectricity… the elohim, and little gods…what IS the energy which flows through us form Spirit. My games with children to feel into their bodies and activate the energetic presence. Something ‘else’ operated the electrical currents of the body. Juan o Savin’s “other physics”.
18.00 Kind of ludicrous that the ‘others’ could ever have believed they could control us, how they could have tricked us into forgetting we are Spirit, animating our physical bodies…
19.00 the theory of guardians becoming captives and the prisoners taking control…new pieces of information coming in to open the mind a little….
24.oo looking at a sound wave you can see forms and patterns…like the crystal shapes of water….you can begin to understand qualities of sound in a different way.
25.00 people who know love within themselves respect themselves enough finish their sentences and fill the resonance. People inwardly suffering have more brittle sound, thin, tight….
26.— Kari working with couples making sounds… “who are you, to each other”?
26.40 I trained my ears, because that was the work I chose to do, but you can SEE the recorded sound waves…just like the Dr Emoto crystals of Hate and love… a new area we will be getting into more.
27.00 looking to find ‘something lovely’ to work on with Kari in her voice…
28.45 It boils down to “have I been seen and heard by another important person my life?” But if you can be in a moment where the person witnessing you is in LOVE and COMPASSION for who you are, you can trust your voice to always be valid.
29.30 recalling the video of Being seen and heard (with Kari and Merri)- not being ‘allowed’ to finish my sentences.
30.30 we do an exercise where Kari is “used to being seen and heard and witnessed”
31.00 Kari knows this because of what she experienced recently…
33.00 So this is Kari’s “video” practice…
33.30 On the “thank you”, Kari’s voice dropped down into her… more fully
33.44 It’s the RESONANT TIMBRE which is so intoxicating…because we ALL WANT TO HEAR A REAL VOICE ( a fully incarnated human voice ). That sound of a human voice, sitting in their body, resonating with their clarity and integrity and their authenticity, it’s just delicious beyond measure, and we all are searching for it - deliriously hungry for it.
35.00 Kari talks about the Cosmic in her name. we talk “CO” as opposed to “Ka” closed and open sounds. …
36.12 Kari gives a new type of introduction…full, resonating and authentic….

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