2 Guys Drinking Coffee

10 months ago

Are you feeling like a pawn in a giant chess game. Being moved around the board to see what happens. To see what the other pieces do. So the players (owners) can work on their strategy and future moves.

Or do you feel like a marionette. Having your “strings” pulled and manipulated by staged distractions, slight-of-hand moves by the government and the main-stream-media. Knowing that the “owners” are watching our every move to see how we will react to given stimuli. So, in essence we can also think of ourselves as human lab rats or Pavlov’s dog… Stimuli – response.

Is there a way off this out-of-control carousel? Do we still have the power of self-direction? Are we able to make a difference in the outcome of this madness or at least our own outcome?

In this episode we are going to look at some current events with an eye towards what is really happening, what “they” want us to think is happening, and our best responses.

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