Watch Fake News Reporter On CNN Say Trump "Appeared" To Threaten Brad Raffensperger

11 months ago

Anderson Cooper's What Happened In Georgia show was obvious fake news. He was only on the show for the first 2 minutes and last one minute. Sara above spread the democrat and deep state propaganda for him. She interviewed GA election officials in a black miniskirt. Everyone they brought on the show furthered the democrat party's narratives and had no problem telling lies.

Sara said Trump appeared to  threaten Brad Raffensberger.

Appeared to threaten him is fake news.

Trump said: This is criminal, and a big risk to you.

That’s a warning, not a threat. It’s something people who follow laws say to other people when they see them breaking laws.

It’s something a father would tell a child. I’d love to hear Sara elaborate on how that sounded like a threat. She is just going to repeat it.

Sara, the fake journalist said conspiracy many times about the cheated 2020 elections. She interviewed people in a black leather miniskirt. And smiled while asking political questions and hearing answers she liked.

Anderson Cooper is obvious fake news. He brought on a blogger and a local fake news journalist from Georgia to repeat the same democrat and deep state propaganda as his show was.

The only reason Anderson Cooper has a job in the fake news is because he is their puppet, and puts his name on shows like this. Cooper is a fake reporter.

CNN helps the democrat party, deep state, and globalists steal elections from US. They are all liars and cheats.

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