VAEP Key Concepts video 8: Why vaping works - HCSubs

1 year ago

Did you know that nicotine isn’t the only thing that keeps smokers addicted? The physical action of smoking plays a huge part.(1)
Just think about what a smoker does: they bring the cigarette to their mouth; they taste the smoke with the drag; then they have sensations in the throat and lungs on a big inhale; this is followed by a visible exhale as thousands of toxic chemicals hit their bloodstream. A pack-a-day smoker repeats this 240 times a day which is 87,600 times a year.(1) Smokers are experts at self-dosing nicotine through inhalation.
This is why vaping is so appealing to smokers. It uniquely satisfies the physical action and provides nicotine though inhalation. Nicotine replacement therapies such as patches and gums aren’t that effective because they don’t replace the action or deliver nicotine through inhalation.
Eliquid is what goes into a vape and is heated to produce a vaper, like water heated to make steam. The vapour is virtually void of the toxins found in cigarette smoke.(2) Unlike cigarettes, which can have hundreds of added chemicals, eliquid base consists of a couple of nontoxic liquids and some flavour and nicotine are added, that’s it!(3) Flavours ARE important because it replaces the foul taste of smoke with something that tastes good! Taste satisfaction helps new vapers detox off the toxins from the smoke and resist the cravings for a cigarette. Enjoyable flavours keep vapers from going back to smoking.(6)
For more information on vaping science, visit our website at and for help with switching to vaping, visit your local vape shop because they are the only source of harm reduction for smokers.
Kellie Ann is wearing our Vintage logo tee in blue
1. Dawkins, L. (2013). Why is it so hard to quit smoking? The British Psychological Society.
2. Murkett R, Rugh M and Ding B. Nicotine products relative risk assessment: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2022, 9:1225
3. Royal College of Physicians. (2016). Nicotine without smoke: Tobacco harm reduction. London: RCP.
4. Farsalinos, K. E., Romagna, G., Tsiapras, D., Kyrzopoulos, S., Spyrou, A., & Voudris, V. (2013). Impact of flavour variability on electronic cigarette use experience: An internet survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10, 7272-7282.
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