God Says "Don't Do THIS" and We Do It... THIS Is Why God Allows Pandemics...

9 months ago

To learn more about why God allows pandemics happen, get our DVD, "God Answers His COVID-19 Critics" for free: https://bit.ly/2SVDIl9 How is this free? It has already been paid for by others.

No one ever wants to hear, “I told you so.” So I shouldn’t say it... but I did and I will! In two previous Tomorrow’s World telecasts, I told you what would happen if we, the human race, failed to follow laws written 3,500 years ago.
Some see Covid-19 as a wake-up call, that maybe we are not pleasing our Creator. One thing we know for sure: Our world will never be the same. This crisis is evolving so rapidly that it is impossible to predict where we will be next week, much less a year from now. But I can give you information, as I have done in the past, that is far more sure and timely than your latest newscast. Contrary to the opinions of many theologians, the Bible shows WHY this is happening and gives the solution, so that there is no excuse when it happens again. You’ll never hear what I’m about to give you from the mainstream media.
COVID-19 did not have to happen. Our lives did not have to be disrupted. People did not have to die. Businesses did not have to fail. Economies did not have to descend into recessions and worse. And governments did not have to fall. All this could have been prevented, and I told you so in a 2011 Tomorrow’s World telecast—“Lessons from SARS”, and in a 2014 Tomorrow’s World program—“Ebola Can Be Prevented.” So join me today as I explain the causes of these scourges and reveal the only true solution to pandemics...

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World, where I’m going to explain an absolute truth that few others have the courage to give. COVID-19 was entirely preventable. It did not have to happen. I explained this publicly regarding SARS, Ebola, and numerous other diseases in 2011 and 2014. Don’t believe me just because I say this. Check it out for yourself! It’s all a matter of record found in two Tomorrow’s World telecasts: “Lessons from SARS,” and “Ebola Can Be Prevented.” Both programs were recorded in Canada and later rerecorded in the United States. You can look them up on our website, TomorrowsWorld.org. Or better yet, I’ll send you a copy of these two programs, along with this program, on a DVD.
Sadly, the very people who should be teaching mankind these things have been negligent in doing so. Worse yet, those professing Christian ministers reject the very knowledge that would save mankind from all this heartache and suffering. They’ve chosen to dismiss this knowledge, spelled out in the very book they claim to represent!
COVID-19 did not arise out of thin air. It had a cause. There is more than one theory as to how it began, and the exact details may not be known at this time, and may never be known. Many believe it accidentally escaped from a biohazard lab in Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus was found in horseshoe bats that were being studied. Others think that it came from a nearby “wet market” where exotic animals are sold for food. This is the official view coming from China at the time of this recording, but since some people are asymptomatic, the first person exposed to the virus may never be known. He or she may not work for the bio-lab and may never have visited the wet market. But whether from the biohazard lab, or the “wet market,” all trails lead back to the horseshoe bat, or some intermediary animal that got it from the bat, such as the suspected pangolin.
Scientists believe SARS, which emerged in 2002, originated in a wet market in or near Hong Kong. Bats are used in traditional Chinese medicine as well as gourmet food in that part of the world. SARS, MERS, Nipah Fever, and Ebola are all traced back to bats, though human infection comes from an intermediary. Scientists know exactly where to look when a new pathogen attacks humanity—the meat market.
That is where they traced SARS. They first thought it originated from a Civet Cat, a creature that is considered a delicacy among the Chinese—that is until SARS, at which time thousands of these animals were killed and are no longer sold legally in China. While there are various speculations about the exact route to humans, the Encyclopedia Britannica on the subject gives this explanation:

“Viruses that infect animals can jump from one species to another, causing a new, usually severe disease in the new host. For example, in 2003 a virus in the Coronaviridae family jumped from an animal reservoir, believed to be horseshoe bats, to humans, causing a highly pathogenic disease in humans called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The ability of the SARS coronavirus to jump from horseshoe bats to humans undoubtedly required genetic changes in the virus. The changes are suspected to have occurred in the palm civet, since the SARS virus present in horseshoe bats is unable to infect humans directly” (“Evolution of new virus strains,” Britannica.com, April 21, 2020).

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