Sonic 3 & Knuckles 100% Walkthrough Part 13

15 years ago

Part 13! Revenge on Knuckles!...

...and making friends with him all in the same act! How can Sonic be so forgiving so quickly? XD He pushed switches to make you fall, blew you away with wind and rolled a rock at you! lol!

The rest of Lava Reef 2 - most of Sky Sanctuary Zone

That electrocution really was brutal for a kids game, lol! Well, I guess if Pikachu can electrocute people in the Anime and Looney Tunes Characters can get shocked, why can't a Sonic character get zapped? XD

It just looked so brutal when Knuckles got zapped! He falls off the ship and falls on the ground hitting his head twice!

(Yeah if you can't tell, the above statement is mostly a joke, lol!)

Oh, and more "firin' lasars"! XD

Annotation corner:
0:00 Update: If I say that I am not collecting the Emeralds, don't worry, I ended up updating this walkthrough and making it 100% later. :)
6:26 (I had to move the annotation here as it took up a lot of room in subtitle/CC form) I feel kinda bad that I didn't cover how to beat this boss in this walkthrough! :( Just hide under the platforms and the ball will go over you, when it swings away, jump on the platform you're under and then at Metal Sonic then go back under the same platform. You can get 1 hit per go or 2 if you have good timing (keep in mind I rushed through the boss so I didn't use this strategy, lol!)
7:32 (Same as above: The Subtitle/CC annotation replacement took up too much room on the screen so I moved it here.) I forgot to go over my strategy here too! :( You can see it on my Sonic 2 walkthrough part 5. Stand directly under him in the center and jump straight up when you see the orbiting balls in front of his craft move up, that's the only time he's easily vulnerable. Then pop the bubble enemy and repeat. It becomes easier as he loses balls. Make sure you have some rings on you, you're bound to take a hit! When he loses all his balls, follow him and jump up under him like before


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