Yoshi's Island Stage Only Walkthrough Part 2

16 years ago

Part 2! Chubby Guy Nudity! lol!

1-4 -most of 1-6

Yeah I got the name of the fort wrong, sue me! XD There's 2 chubby-like bosses in the game and I got their names mixed up, lol!

This is a stage only walkthrough. That means I did not aim to get 100 on each stage.

Annotation corner:
7:26 The "auto adjust" on the camera REALLY helps here!
7:31 I knew I'd need the auto adjust because the game is so varied in color, but not this soon, lol!
7:49 And the camera adjusts itself again! :D

Parts 1-27 were played on the SNES version of this game while 28-35 was played on the GBA to show all the stages.


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