Donkey Kong Country Stage Only Walkthrough Part 10

15 years ago

Part 10! Return of Donkey Kart...

Minecart Madness - Boss Dumb Drum

Uhhh the minecart part went fairly smooth! o_O That's a shocker! Trust me, it doesn't usually go so well, lol! Not much to say but be prepared to jump.

The Blackout Basement screwed with the camera to no end, I hope you guys can see what I'm doing, lol! This stage isn't hard on it's own, but the "blackout" portion makes it so, lol!

The Boss Dumb Drum is easy, why did I mess up? XD Just avoid his predictable pounding and defeat the enemies that he throws out like normal. You don't even have to hit the boss, he hits himself, lol!

Ohhh Candy!

This is a stage only walkthough. That means I ONLY covered how to get through the stages. I didn't seek out the bonus stages to achieve 101%.


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