Super Mario RPG Walkthrough Part 32

15 years ago

Part 32: Ultra Tentacle Rape! XDDD

Sunken Ship (Phase 3 Boss) - Sunken Ship (cont)

I think the tentacles get stronger the more you progress... Not sure though as my timing is just sucking hard, lol!

Phase 3 Boss: King Kalamari: Again, kill off the weaker regular tentacles and the rest will be a breeze. King Kalamari really isn't much of a threat despite it's huge appearance and reputation for taking down the ship, lol! Just heal when needed with either items or Peach's "Group Hug" (orgy, lol) or "Therapy". Use Therapy for when only 1 character needs healing and Group Hug when all need it. You may also want to Group hug when a Sandstorm happens to get rid of the fear status effect.

We also continue on with the ship exploring and commit suicide against a overly-strong treasure chest, lmao! Seriously, if I hadn't done that, we would be here alllll day! XD I'll likely go back later to beat it. like that 3-D Maze.


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