Super Mario RPG Walkthrough Part 48

15 years ago

Part 48: Hardboiled!

Valentina's Castle

Back again for more walkthrough madness! We start off the day with... A BOSS?!?! Yep! We start the day HARD!

Boss: Birdo: ZOMG she is strong! Not just attack but defence! She doesn't have much HP, but the defense keeps this battle going and her attack keeps this battle spicy! Basically in this point of the game unless you do some level grinding (I HATE level grinding, so that's not a option for me, lol!), or just push through with recovery items. Attack when you have the chance and don't let Peach go down! She will make characters "Come Back" for most of the fight. But if she does go down to Birdo's "Single-Egg Bomb" or whatever you want to call it (it KOs pretty much in 1 hit, lol!) make sure you have Pick Me Ups on hand to get her back!


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