Super Mario RPG Walkthrough Part 57

15 years ago

Part 57: Breaking Bones!

Barrel Volcano Boss 2

Boss: Axem Rangers Phase 1: you have faced every attack in their arsenal before... but never all at once with 5 turns of death! The order that you defeat them in is what matters the most in thie fight. I recommend you beat them in the order of Pink (because she heals and has Petal Blast), Green (Special attacker), Black (multiattacker), Yellow (Most vulnerable of the 2 left) and then Red (Highest HP). Pray to god that they don't KO you in 1 turn... UNLESS you have the Lazy Shell Armor equipped to Peach! ;)

This is basically a "pick your moments" fight. If you choose wrong, you'll have trouble recovering, even if Peach sustains low damage. There's just so many attacks coming at you that it's hard to keep people alive! But don't worry, this i possible if you get rid of Pink (the healer) first, otherwise she'll just keep bringing rangers back from near-death. The rest of the order should be obvious if you read the above paragraph. Just heal often so people don't get KOed and attack when you can.

Phase 2: The Breaker Beam!!! This part is PEANUTS compared to the first part. ESPECIALLY if you have the Lazy Shell on Peach. They will use the Breaker Beam every other turn which is basically a instant KO at the level my characters are at... except Peach, lol! if that is the case with you, just use Come Back on 1 character (pick the one who does the most damage) and attack with that character. Peach will sustain a bit of damage, but if you have to, use the character that you revived to heal Peach with a Mushroom. As usual, Peach is key here because with her you can create a endless loop of healing and damage to the Breaker Beam. That's about it for this fight!

Enjoy the 6th star! :D

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