Super Mario RPG Walkthrough Part 55

15 years ago

Part 55: Fire and water:

Barrel Volcano (Boss)

Boss: Phase 1 Czar Dragon: Phase 1 IMO is the hardest part of this boss fight because of the Helio enemies. But, I recommend completely ignoring them and focus only on attacking the Czar Dragon. This is a pretty straightforward fight compared to Valentina and Dodo... Just heal with Peach's Orgys and this part will go by easily... ESPECIALLY if you have the Lazy Shell Armor on Peach! ;)

Phase 2 is "Zombone"... THIS ISSSSS... a easier fight, lol! Mainly because those Helio enemies are gone. But, Zombone added Water Blast (seriously. O_o) and Boulder to his arsenal so stay sharp. Just heal when necessary and attack when you have the chance. Zombone even has less defense so regular attacks will do more damage then before. If you beat Vanentina and Dodo, you will have no trouble with this, lol!

We also meet up with the Axem Rangers!... But, my description on beating them will be later in the next part.


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