Mischief Makers Stage Only Walkthrough Part 20 (Ending Part 1/2... Turn volume up at 3:10 lol)

14 years ago

Part 20: Over already?

Final Boss & Ending Part 1

Turn your volume up at around 3:10... Seriously, lol! Apparently my microphone decides to record quietly when it wants to... GRRR! XD

Final Boss: You know, it really doesn't have a name... o_O But it has 2 phases.

Phase 1. It'll move towards you and try and stop on you. When it does, catch the foot and throw it back upwards for the hit. Rinse and repeat. If it tries to shoot it's right-arm gun at you, weave between the bullets and get close or it won't stop... so stay close to him until this phase is over... which really isn't noticeable until he looks more aggressive.

Phase 2: Ok, he's more aggressive here and won't do his stomp attack anymore... he changed that attack to a flying kick... which you can still catch with B and throw him upwards the same way. But the new thing that you'll want to take advantage of when possible is the left fist... which you can catch and shoot back at them FPS style! There's also a dangerous chest laser, which you can dodge by moving from one side of the screen to the other by boosting, then jumping over it as it burns out of power. Not hard to dodge, but it takes a little practice to get the rhythm down. Otherwise, rinse and repeat until they go down!

And then the ending... Which honestly doesn't make much sense to me in places. o_O But hey, this game is quirky!

Ending footage credit goes to:
(I forgot and I lost the paper I had it written down. XD But it's not mine! I just narrated it)

This is a stage only walkthough. That means I ONLY covered how to get through the stages, not seek out Gold Gems.


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