Mischief Makers Stage Only Walkthrough Part 21 (Ending Part 2/2... Turn volume down at 5:15 lol)

14 years ago

Part 21: Why do they have 2 tiles for credits?!?!

Ending Part 2

Turn your volume back down at around 5:15 lol!

Well, this is it! I hope you all enjoyed it! Also, does this ending make much sense to you? You know, having read the previous storyline? I mean it's not like they made any hint about wanting to become human. Argh! Such confusion!

Ending footage credit goes to:
(I forgot and I lost the paper I had it written down. XD But it's not mine! I just narrated it.)

This is a stage only walkthough. That means I ONLY covered how to get through the stages, not seek out Gold Gems.


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