Mischief Makers Stage Only Walkthrough Part 18

14 years ago

Part 18: Merco!

4-4 - 4-6

Follow the path I used in "Trapped!!' except where I accidentially grabbed the reset star and you'll not only be able to beat the area, but also get the gold gem. Yeah yeah... I know I said Iwasn't going to get any gold gems... but I like puzzle rooms and I like figuring them out, lol!

Boss Merco: pull the shield away from him when you have a chance with a shake shake and throw it back at him when it's possible to do so. Like after a dive or a jab attack. That's it. This boss is pretty tricky, so stay sharp.

Boss Pheonix Gamma: This is the hardest boss in the game IMO.

In phase 1 you want to rip his shiels and spear away from him when you have the chance while dodging attacks

In Phase 2, you have to find opprotunities to grab the bird head and shake shake downwards until it snaps back for a hit. When it starts going all Touhou like with it's wing attacks, stay far away until it shoots out lasers from both wings at once... then rush in with boosts, grab the head, pull it back and hit him. Bug dang, don't go anywhere near his wings when he's shooting lasers... it hurts BAD!

In Phase 3 you have to grab a missle as it's being shot from the background (yes, only 1) and throw it back for the win. That is all... Just 1. It's the easiest phase if you have good timing.

This is a stage only walkthough. That means I ONLY covered how to get through the stages, not seek out Gold Gems.


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