PkGam Trolls... PkGam?!?!..... 1? (Read Description)

14 years ago

Geez, this guy sucks! I can't believe he got over 600 subscribers! I can make a better video then him even though I have no game videos to speak of!


Partially inspired by this video by luizprower:

My original idea was to show off all the stupid troll comments I got one day... But this is even better, I can use them in real time on my own video! rofl!

You know what's so funny about this video... it was EXTREMELY easy to come up with stuff to pick fun at. So, to the people who literally dedicate their channels to picking fun at other people's videos: you aren't very clever. XD if you guys like it, I can make more and make it like a series, lol!

Annotation clarification corner:
1:15 Side note: The people that said the Ross line weren't trolls, I just liked the comments, lol! So props to you guys for the idea! :D
1:31 Like the ross line, the Joker one wasn't by a troll, I just liked it, lol!

The video I picked fun at was my Sonic 1 Walkthrough Part 1:


(There was one teeny tiny mistake I made though... I was supposed to talk about the TV glare and the capture card in the same line and at the same time make it look like I "just" learned about it... But I picked fun at the camera thing two separate times saying that I "just" noticed the camera filming, lol! Oh well, trolls never make sense anyway. XD)

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