Super Mario Galaxy 121 Stars Walkthrough Part 25: One Bad Design

14 years ago

Yeah, I completely forgot about Slingpod Galaxy when I said there wasn't a spot in this game with bad design. That area isn't bad in design because of the level design... It's bad because the camera wasn't programmed very well to follow your paths and line up your shots easier... Instead, makes you kind of guess at the angles. Or maybe I'm just the only one who has trouble with it or something,. XD

Also, I apologize for the camera messing up in that galaxy (glowing). But, as I said, that will happen on occasion. I should get a second camera with customizable white balance controls for just such an occasion. Well, I'll just mark it up as that Galaxy was just bad for me all around, lol!

Side note to PaddyDragon2391 ( ): If you are still counting my deaths, I did indeed leave in all the times I died in that galaxy, lol! Just look for the camera cuts closely. I had to chop out a bit after I flew to my doom in places to make it under the 11:00 Youtube time limit.


-----Bedroom Dome-----

Dusty Dune Galaxy:
0:00 Sunbaked Sand Castle

Sling Pod Galaxy:
6:40 A Very Sticky Situation

-----Super Mario Galaxy Menu-----

-----Super Mario Galaxy Playlist-----


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