Sonic Adventure DX Walkthrough Part 24: Lots O' Cutscenes

13 years ago

But, they are necessary for telling the story from everyone's perspective. Even though there isn't much gameplay, I think I came up with some decent commentary for it. You be the judge. ;)

Note 6:05 - 6:56: You see how the camera handles dark scenes? It makes bright spots glow and drops the camera's framerate. That performed even WORSE then I thought it would on dark scenes. o_O To be honest, I'm surprised it didn't de-sync. But, now you see why I carefully choose the games that I play. I'll talk about this more in the next part when I go through the forest the other way.

But, luckily it's just a small portion of the video and you have seen me play through that forest before anyway.

Annotation corner:
7:39 It's "cjv84us" ( ). I really shouldn't make parts when I am tired! Sorry, lol!


8:30 Amy's Stage 3: Final Egg


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