When the hippopotamus attacks the lion

11 months ago

The hippopotamus is the third largest mammal in the world, after elephants and white rhinos. They are nicknamed "river horses". That's because hippos can hold their breath for an average of 5 minutes - long enough for them to walk along the bed of a lake or river. Although not considered nocturnal, most hippo activities take place during the night. Living in sub-Saharan Africa, where ultraviolet rays are incredibly strong, hippos have adapted the ability to produce a red, oily liquid that acts as a natural sunscreen. They leave the waters near dusk and return in the morning. Hippos can identify who has been to their location by smelling their dung! They use outdoor areas, where they repeatedly go to the bathroom, and use these spaces to find out who has been there and whether they are considered friend or foe. Hippos are extremely territorial animals and will occasionally kill antelope and buffalo. And even lions if they invade their territory the hippopotamus will attack you. When a hippopotamus finds a lion in front of him, he usually goes after the feline with the intention of killing, most of the time the lion manages to escape, but in the times when these attacks are accurate - the lion is extremely hurt. If the hippopotamus attacked the lion on land, the lion's chances of escaping are great, but if the attack was in the water, the lion could end the day very injured or even dead. But records of hippos killing a lion are rare. Therefore, for a lion, there is little care. Especially when dealing with a heavyweight.

#hippopotamus #lion #NaturalWorld!

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