Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Master Quest Part 63: Destinies Collide

12 years ago

The Spirit Temple is finished in this part. Some of you may be happy to see it go since it got dragged out for a while, others not so. I for one had a blast there despite it taking longer to complete than the Fire Temple. (That place just annoyed me, lol!)

Oh and yes, I did mean to mute myself on the cutscene dialog where Koume and Kotake introduce you to their Iron Knuckle friend so you could hear the music of it a bit. Namely because I noticed I didn't have much to say there and I forgot to mention how much I like that mischevious song. Picky people who enjoy no unique commentary on the cutscenes because they are too cheap to buy the game and experience it themselves will rejoice! lol!

Then we get to my favorite boss in the game! Whoo!

Then we learn that there's more to the story than we thought! :O Dun dun dunnnnnnn...

Being a cutscene-heavy episode (as you would expect coming to the climax of the game), I decided to extend it to tie in the cutscene after the boss and back when you revisit the Temple Of Time so it flows nicely and sort of makes up for the lack of gameplay.


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