Trauma Center Second Opinion Walkthrough Part 15: The Last GUILT

13 years ago

Operation Time Stamps:
5-8 4:56
5-9 10:16

Say hello... to Savato! (Rhyme intended)

For being the final boss, it sure is a linear critter.

In Phase 1 all you have to do is cut the webs with your scalpel one at a time as soon as you can. If you take too long, they'll turn red and take a chunk out of the vitals. Just laser the immature Savato as big momma spawns them so they don't form into a Blue one and you're good. Cut the webs off the heart three times and you're good to go.

In Phase 2 just keep the Laser on Savato to burn off it's shield then cut it with the scalpel when you get the indication you can. while doing that, keep the immature Savato infestation under control while suturing up any lacerations. On the 3rd part of this, after cutting it with the scalpel, you'll just have to inject it with the black vial.

Phase 3 is the easiest. As soon as your healing touch automatically activates, just perform another one before Savato finishes off your patient. Time will stop and you can do whatever, lol! I like to suture up the lacerations to increase my combo and raise the vitals before injecting it one last time.

Remember: Don't use the healing touch until the end or you'll lose!

That's it. :)


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