Crypt - (Godzilla Eminem Remix) Reaction Video!

1 year ago

Reaction Starts On/Around 1:45 If you want to skip my intro!

Hey everyone, we're back with another exciting reaction video! Today, we're diving into Crypt's rendition of "Godzilla" by Eminem. We'll be listening, reacting, and discussing this incredible cover. As always, this is a reaction video, so we'll be pausing, talking, and reacting throughout. If that's not your style, feel free to check out the uninterrupted version linked below, along with Crypt's channel. Don't forget to subscribe and comment down below with any rap artists or artists in general that you'd like to see me react to. Thank you for the love and support! I want to clarify that no copyright infringement is intended. All rights and reserves belong to their respective owners. This content is purely for entertainment purposes. Next reaction will be to nick thurl! After that will be more AK and anything else you guys recommend!

@crypttherapper @eminem #contentcreator #reactionvideo #musicreactions #rapreaction #rap

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