God's Majestic Proclamation: Audio Reading of Psalm 24:1 KJV

1 year ago

“The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” - Psalm 24:1- Immerse yourself in the timeless words of Psalm 24:1 with our captivating audio reading video.

Thank you for watching and may the Lord keep you and bless you always!

#Psalm24:1, #BibleVerse, #ScriptureReading, #SpiritualReflection, #DivineMajesty, #GodsCreation, #Inspiration, #Worship, #Faith, #DivineOwnership, #SacredWords, #AudioReading, #BiblicalPassage, #Devotional, #GodsProvidence, #Praise, #SpiritualJourney, #DivinePresence, #christian, #motivation, #godofgrace, #devotion, #numbers, #bible, #theology, #godsblessing, #godsabundance,#kjv,

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