Random Gameplay 17: Super Mario Galaxy 2

12 years ago

Super Mario Galaxy 2: a great game! Though I do feel it has flaws in comparison to the first like the star bit and coin grinding I mentioned, it's still very much worth a play.

Sorry if I sounded a tad bitter at the beginning about the requests thing, but, just, dang... People sure know how to kill a guy's drive to play something. I had all the will to make a WT on this game one day until loads of requests kept popping up demanding I do it instead of *insert so and so game I'm playing* as if whatever I was playing wasn't good in comparison to SMG2.

It should go without saying that forcing myself to make videos on something that I do not want to make videos on would cause a drop in the fun factor for not only me, but the viewers as well and in case you didn't pick up on it, my commentary style is very dependant on my mood being positive.


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