Random Gameplay 11: Metroid Prime

11 years ago

Ah, Metroid Prime is an awesome game! But with one major flaw... in order to 100% it, you have to scan things. A LOT of things. Like, hundreds. XD If you want to see the full list of things to scan, go here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/gamecube/447244-metroid-prime/faqs/36706 So yeah, a walkthrough won't be happening on this game anytime soon. Though people are no doubt going to request it in the comments anyway (even though I don't take requests, suggestiosn, ideas, etc. for stuff anyway because I have my own plans) like all random Gameplays because they are too impatient to wait for my explanation on why I won't do it or won't read this description, lol! But, it is definitely worth a playthrough or two on your own time because of how good it is... just as long as you don't go for 100%, lol!

(Note that I was messing around a LOT during this video, lol!

Edit: Wow, nice random video thumbnail Youtube gave me!


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