Random Gameplay 13: Kirby's Epic Yarn

12 years ago

Ahhh Kirby's epic Yarn... a excellent game that some people seem to hate for some reason. I haven't really heard any good reasons for it aside from them thinking it's too easy... Which it's not if you aim to 100% the game, lol! It has a Yoshi's Story-type of difficulty where the difficulty comes out for the completionist and not the casual playthrougher.

The other reasons I have heard people hate it are: it's "too different", it's "not a Kirby Game", it has "too simplistic gameplay", because "you can't die", etc... But all of these things are clearly addressed in the 100%ing aspects. Like, just because one can't die doesn't mean hits aren't devastating. Some stages are so perilous that if you take a hit at the wrong spot, most of your beads go right down a bottomless pit making you restart a stage. The stages are most certainly not simplistic either when you actually attempt to scour them for secrets. Finally, it being different from Kirby or other games doesn't automatically make a game bad, it just means that the designers created something new rather than reused the old again. Bad design is what makes a game bad, lol!

*end debunking* :3

A walkthrough of this game is definitely not out of the question in the future as the uniqueness fits my channel nicely. When though, I dunno. You'll have to wait and see! ;)

Oh and yeah I did make two videos on this game before, but they were just temporary tests. This one also follows in their footsteps in that I made this video in 720p HD rather than the usual 480p... despite the file size being a massive (gulp!) 668MB as a result! X_X The reason why is because I'm testing something I heard from somewhere else. Basically I know upscaling a 640x480 game video will not increase the quality, but the test is to attempt to bypass Youtube's video compression. I heard they tend to leave HD videos untouched in terms of compression and compression artifacts. I guess we'll see, lol! What do you think?


(This video wa made under "Fair Use")

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