Putin must go, Moscow under attack, 1 August 2023

10 months ago

Lindsay Graham: "Russians are dying; the best money we've ever spent"!
Vladimir Zelenski, USA and NATO forces are very successful in eliminating, decimating the Russians forces, equipment, ammunition depots and infrastructure. On the July 30, 2023, they successfully attacked the heart of Moscow, Russia! They take fully advantages of Vladimir Putin being a delusional, incompetent and hesitant feminized weak male! The situation is extremely tragic for the Russians in Verbove and Robotine on the Zaporizhzhia front-line, in Staromaiorske, in Klischiivka and Kromove, near Bakhmut, in Marinka, near Krasnogorovka! I saw like yesterday, 29 July 2023, Russian multiple rocket launch system and tanks without any cover whatsoever, being easy preys for the Ukrainians drones and very precise artillery! On the 30 July, I saw a Russian BUK M2 and its radar being discovered by the Ukrainians drones and destroyed by the Ukrainian precise artillery! Not long ago I saw the Russian S400 unit being annihilated by HIMARS! The Russians are extremely bad at reconnaissance and gathering military information, whereas the Ukrainians are very good at discovering and annihilating the Russian artillery, especially in the Bakhmut area!

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