INVASION ALERT: Chinese Biolab Raided In California: DEADLY Viruses To Be Released Against Americans

1 year ago

INVASION ALERT: Chinese Biolab Raided In California: DEADLY Viruses To Be Released Against Americans

Deadly viruses and pathogens were likely to be used to create another pandemic.
Veteran investigative journalist Michael Yon is back with Stew to detail the disturbing report of a Chinese biolab found near Fresno, California as well as the massive invasion of Chinese nationals at the southern border.

As America becomes an open borders dumping ground for the criminal trash of the world, we’re going to see more and more cases of flagrant, organized criminal activity in this country.

Some towns will become the domain of the cartels.
Inner cities will be ruled by urban gangs and all over America, Chinese spies and gangsters will operate with greater and greater impunity.

We saw a glimpse of this future this week in China where the FBI and CDC just raided a massive underground secret Chinese biolab just outside Fresno, California.
This secret lab was filled with deadly infection agents, including E. coli, HIV, Hepatitis, and Malaria.

The lab was the property of an obscure, fly-by-night Chinese corporation called Prestige Labs, with fake addresses in both the U.S. and China.
The lab also had hundreds of mice in it, some already dead, being used for assorted biological experiments.
It is clear that America is under biological attack.

Texas is in danger of losing its “tuberculosis free” designation from their cattle.
If that happens it will cripple the Texas cattle and dairy industry.
This will also cause a food shortage and will spread to sheep and pigs.

Chinese immigrants are infected with multidrug resistant tuberculosis.
The raid on the biolab means that there are likely more labs spread across the Unites States.

After the Covid pandemic, Americans must assume these biolabs function as a means to create the next pandemic.

The American military is not protecting our borders and our politicians have committed treason.

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