Random Gameplay 25: Super Mario 64 (With FFSplit Demonstration)

11 years ago

No, you are not dreaming, lol! I'm still working on getting things as good as I possibly can like I do with all of my recording setups, but this video is the result of my current progress level. Plus random gameplay. :P Youtube's system doesn't seem to like the videos I create using this setup for whatever reason, so it's not quite as smooth as I had hoped when I recorded this, but I have all the tools and Youtube help articles to figure something out... eventually! Or... I should say hopefully.

Maybe this setup won't pan out in the end, but I certainly wouldn't give up on it anytime soon. See, the video on my end is perfectly smooth when played in Windows Media Player, but the one on here isn't quite as smooth. I don't want to give people motion sickness, lol!

Annotation corner:
2:14 Well, it looks great on my end viewing the MP4 file. Youtube doesn't like the video file I uploaded though for reasons I can't figure out so it seems a bit jittery. In other words: I still have a few technical things to work out. Hopefully I can do it because this setup has a lot of potential!

The screen recorder i used:

I made a video on FFSplit showing my setup and how to record with it here:

The Emulator I used is Mupen 64 version 0.5:


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