Random Gameplay 35: Metroid Fusion

11 years ago

That fusion part seems rather painful, I mean holy geez look at what happened!

I'm expecting to be able to Start Super Mario 64 tomorrow as I almost have everything in order at the time of this video upload. Thanks for your patience!

Question: How do you like the way I did this video? You know, with the specially made bars at the top and bottom cleaning up the edges of the video and a centered alignment as opposed to my other recent GBA game videos?

Interestingly when I transferred the video footage from my camera to the computer the first time it was corrupted somehow. Disappointed and expecting that I'd have to redo this video, I tried it again in hopes it wasn't the video file itself just in case I would delete it off the camera for nothing and it worked. o_O So something must've happened during the transfer the first time. Weird.


Metroid Fusion (Video Game),metroid,fusion,samus,aran,samus aran,SA-X,game boy advance,game,boy,advance,random,gameplay,funny,commentary,commentated,talk,talker,talking,narrated,narration,pkgam,tv,fair,use,comedy,comedic,laugh,laughter,laughing,video,gamer,gaming,Video Game,yt:stretch=16:9,PkGam

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