The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Walkthrough Part 12: Truly Random

11 years ago

The random Kinstone fusions are even more random than I thought they were. I wrote a list of all the people remaining to fuse with and that changed when I turned off the game. XD I knew their positions were different from save file to save file, but not for each power on. Welp! Looks' like I'm forced to improvise everything after all. But I'm glad I learned this because that means I know what to prepare for and I learned a bit more about the game in the process.

Sooo... if you weren't keeping track, I did 15 Kinstone fusions so far, meaning that 7 are left out of the first 22 fusions I have access to. Hopefully I'll be able to knock them off in the next part.


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