PeopleUnited Town Hall Show #5

9 months ago

PeopleUnited Town Hall Shows are hosted by Dr. Len Saputo and Francesco Garripoli to open discussion for those who are concerned about our health freedoms, freedom of speech, and the state of our country… and welcome those who can agree with our Five Agreements rather than be divided (and conquered) by those currently in power.

In Show #5 Dr. Len and Francesco explore the basic tenets of PeopleUnited by going over the first of our Five Agreements, the idea that our government should reflect the will of the people it is supposed to serve. Simply mentioning these points got our YouTube Channel taken down… just because we were discussing how important it was for people to come together for the common good! Here are the Five Agreements that Len and Francesco present in this show:

PeopleUnited’s Five Agreements are:

We support a government that only reflects the Will of the People.

We support our inalienable rights for all and in all circumstances. 

We support that all economic-related government decisions meet the needs of “We The People”

We support personal health freedom and freedom
of speech in all ways

We support, protect, and secure the principles of our United States Constitutional Republic.  

Learn more at

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