Lorraine Kelly fans say 'you ought to be embarrassed' over 'shocking' swipe at renowned face

1 year ago

Lorraine Kelly fans say 'you ought to be embarrassed' over 'shocking' swipe at renowned face

The Scottish television star left fans referring to her as "sickening" on Tuesday July 4.

Lorraine Kelly has experienced harsh criticism for nervy swipes at Boris Johnson on the present ITV show.

The Scottish television star left fans referring to her as "revolting" on Tuesday July 4.

Lorraine attacked the previous Top state leader by contrasting him with Brad Pitt.

It comes as ever-enduring snaps of Brad arose for the current week - showing him looking young in spite of moving toward 60.

Lorraine then raised Boris was a similar age while examining how Brad looks so youthful at 59.

"Goodness my golly!" she said. "They are a similar age."

She added: "Goodness take a gander at that, there is no distinction by any means!"

Twitter client Jan smoldered: "#Lorraine I'm stunned to see Lorraine and her board all giggling at the manner in which Boris Johnson looks contrasted with Brad Pitt.

It appears to be the frequently heard mantra on this show about being great and showing empathy doesn't appear to apply to the moderators.

I hate Johnson."

Natasha said: "A shame to compare Boris to Brad Pitt and afterward all enjoy a hearty chuckle. #lorraine disgrace on all of you.

Ross can't move his face and seems as though he's been exploded with a bike siphon and Lorraine, at any rate,

has her hair colored in a bid to look more youthful/better or no difference either way."

"Body disgracing and snickering about Boris is satisfactory?

Ross has had more botox than the majority of hollywood set up regardless seems to be a rhino's ******* #lorraine,"

said another. John seethed: "I don't have the foggiest idea how @lorraine maintains to be 'so wonderful and kind'

transparently ridiculing how somebody looks on her show toward the beginning of today.

Since it's @Boris Johnson that is fine?! #hypocrisy #bekind truly can't handle these bogus television characters! #twofaced.

" He added: "Definitely perhaps, in the event that that is the case then, at that point, don't ideals signal. Simply be what your identity is! Quit claiming to be somebody who cares!"

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