Step Two Part I Unlisted Video

1 year ago

Chapter VII. INTENTION 00:00:00
- Lucid Dreaming 00:00:09
- The Dream Space 00:11:45
- The Magical Power of Intention 00:33:08
- Outer Intention 00:46:55
- The Game Script 01:17:54
- The Game According to Your Rules 01:29:17
- The Purification of Intention 01:50:26
- Summary 02:03:50
Chapter VIII. SLIDES 02:07:03
- Illusion 02:07:09
- Distorting Reality 02:14:26
- Positive slides 02:25:33
- Widening Your Comfort Zone 02:34:27
- Visualising the Goal 02:48:10
- Visualising the Process 02:57:22
- Transfer Chains 03:07:21
- Summary 03:14:15
Chapter IX. THE HEART AND MIND 03:16:49
- The Wind of Intention 03:16:59
- The Heart's Sail 03:25:18
- The Wizard Within 03:35:07
- The Mirage 03:45:13
- Guardian Angels 03:59:59
- A Soul Box 04:06:29
- Fraile 04:19:03
- Unity of Heart and Mind 04:30:44
- Sound Bite Slides 04:52:51
- A Window onto the Alternatives Space 04:59:53
- The Frame 05:09:50
- Summary 05:20:06
Chapter X. GOALS AND DOORS 05:24:08
- How to Choose Your Own Things 05:24:16
- How to Become a Trendsetter 05:36:19
- Other People's Goals 05:43:13
- Breaking Through Stereotypes 05:59:12
- Your Goals 06:12:04
- Your Doors 06:29:39
- Intention 06:46:24
- Realisation 06:54:07
- Inspiration 07:13:54
- Reviving the Goal 07:22:18
- Summary 07:33:33

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