Anton LaVey killed by the secret life of Christian Prayers

1 year ago

Can you believe the Church of Satan Leader Anton Lavey Death was a result on praying Spirit Filled Christians? This testimony is about a Pastor who was caring for Anton Lavey's daughter who has since been renamed to Deborah Joy Brian. This video is a great testimony on spiritual warfare and inner healing and deliverance . Many do not understand we are in a war between the light and darkness. But in the authority of Jesus we can win these spiritual battles. This Pastor was in a spiritual battle with the leader of the church of Satan which started the religion of Satanism, and won the battle. He claims God led him to pray according to Ecclesiastes 12:6 to cut Anton Lavey's "Silver Cord" which would result in his death. This resulted in Anton Lavey Death on Halloween of all days. Google states his death was a few days before Halloween. Anton Lavey deathbead last words were "Oh my, oh my. What have I done? There's is something very wrong. There's is something very wrong. There's is something very wrong."
Warning: Do not try this at home boys and girls. Do not engage in high levels of spiritual warfare by yourself but in a group context of mature believers. I would also strong NOT recommend praying for anyone death but in extremely rare situations and at the leading of the holy spirit
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