A Question of Memory 3. Past Life Regression with Simon Bown

11 months ago

Simon Bown is a past life regression therapist and host of the Past Lives Podcast, where he investigates all sorts of evidence for survival of the human soul.

Having produce two episodes in the ‘A Question of Memory Series’, where I basically concluded there was little evidence to believe hypnotic regression could reliably be used to recover memories, I thought it would be good to have someone on to challenge that position - and who better than a guest who employs such techniques to recover memories from different lives altogether!

In this interview I ask Simon about the therapeutic benefits he sees in his work, and why he feels these are not best explained as just ‘theatre of the mind’. We then get into whether there are any dangers in conflating fantasy and reality, and finally what the metaphysical implications of all this are.

Listen to Simon’s Past Lives Podcast here: https://www.pastlivespodcast.co.uk/

Find out about his past life regression work here:

And listen to the Alien and UFO podcast here:

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