Life Coaching 101 - Your Change Makes Others Uncomfortable #takeyourpowerback #settingboundaries

10 months ago

Your change makes others uncomfortable

So when we start establishing boundaries and change the dynamics of our relationships, we are met with resistance.

It's important to understand that this resistance is mostly because you are not being who this other person expects you to be. Suddenly you are changing how things within this relationship are going to play out.

This is all normal and takes a bit of an adjustment from the other person. This is why I say it all depends on the relationship and how much energy you want to invest. The important thing is that you stand firm and accept the fact that this new you makes someone else uncomfortable. And this is totally okay. 😊

The most important thing is that you are learning self-respect and this will go a long way. You got this!

Stick with me while I discuss this and other interesting topics. 

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Sometimes all we need is a little perspective. 🌧️ 🌈 🌞

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#standfirm #selfrespect #boundaries #establishingboundaries #takethepowerback

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