#Cocaine found in the #Whitehouse 👏🤡#BreakingDaamnNews #DD7523 #DailyDaamn is #MissedNewsDiffViews

1 year ago

July 5th, 2023, Cocaine was reportedly discovered in the WestWing of the presidential palace… speculations as to the source run rampant, however, We here at #DaamnTalk believe We’ve located the culprit!!! You saw it here first, folks! Subscribe- Follow- & COMMENT! As We do the Daamn, We need YOU to put emphasis on the TALK - The unrestricted official Talk’spot is for members ØNLY at thatDaaamnTalkspot.locals.com
DaamnTalk WANTS YOU - Artists & Creators - to join Us in expanding a vision for #Truth & #dialect! Monetize your brand within the DT community AND start earning CASH from your #DaamnWorthy (original) contributions!!
Sneak-preview the upcoming Episodic Interview Podcast ‘#DontJustØbey’ (#DTdjø) - and interact with other Daamnies, #Daamners & #DaamnTalkers!!! ØNLY available on locals.com

We are thrilled to finally be financially eligible enough to join the #RubinReport community!!! (Strictly @ locals.com) Listeners since 2020, Our journey has paralleled Daves in a lot of interesting ways; We too were once YUGE 'BernieBros', We too began 'awaking from wokeness' in a transition of psychic proportions! Oh! And We also became a father about the same Daamn time too...
We were a primarily 'Blue' political activist in Washington for the better part of a two decades... Rocking mic's & slamming words on stages from Hawaii to Ohio, '#Nermak' began performing in 2013 & created #DaamnTalk in 2016. DaamnTalk was originally established as a series of 'shorts' pertaining to current affairs. Having developed an identity throughout this time, it was truly earth-shattering to critically analyze whether We may have been 'wrong'.
After the whirlwind that was '2020', We committed Ourself to re-establishing DaamnTalk - *a means to express epiphany's & create 'controversial' content... With Dave's creation of locals.com, DT.djo becomes a HUB for unrestricted discourse. Exempt from the imperial overlords unnatural filtration of information... No longer feeling forced to ban together in the shadows -

Share your Daamn voice! We put "Facts before folks”, (Principals before personalities). Spread the Daamn word! DaamnTalk is looking for Everything #DaamnWorthy ! Anything intellectually stunning, mind blowing, game changing, under-reported, misrepresented or *proven ‘untrue’!
Bring it Our way by joining Us in the DaamnTalk community on locals.com! Partially available wherever else your media gets social, DontJustObey, (DTdjo), will be the official episodic interview podcast featuring yours truly, 'DaamnKam', & a variety of different guests. Become a supporter (& member) of 'thatDaamnTalkspot' for only $2!!!
(Because it only takes 2 to talk!)
(The 'DaamnStudio' starts construction
October 2023!) *Stay up to date AND help Us in the constructive design ØNLY @ thatDaamnTalkspot.locals.com
Where “We promise to say whatever
We Daamn well believe". (&)
"We promise to defend your rights -
-to do the same - (AND to disagree".)
Apply to feature on the show by messaging Us today & join Us as We deliver notable content in a simple, fast-paced, fun format; Nothing's off limits - we're talking content that stands out during this wildly-wacky, exhilaratingly-exciting, (admittedly frightening), age of 'politically-dividing' attention–span-deficit tik–tok-timing!

"We do hope you'll join Us NØW, in these early days… as We will NØT STØP short of what will inevitably be the beginning of the most DaamnWorthy podcast, published & posted in the cybersphere - straight ‘outta the 'IsleOfBig'!"
-DaamnKam (of) 'DaamnTalk',
"Where People Proceed InFormation"

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