Who Created Leap Year? Julius Caesar

10 months ago

With the extra day 366. (36*6= 216 First 911 Call)

Leap Year Stems From Julius Caesar
With the extra day 366 is (Four Words). three hundred sixty six

1148+4=1152- Great it’s all divisible by 3,6,9.

1152/3= 384 (15-Julius Caesar Death)
1152/6= 192 (1+9+2= 12) (Julius Caesar Born)
1152/9= 128- the Julian calendar gains a day every 128 years
704. (7+4=11). 1 month has 1 extra day.

Julius Caesar was born: 7/12/655
December 1, 661=Caesar and Pompey formally propose in senate. (121= Antichrist)
May 27-29 47BC-Google’s Date. Freemason Compass 47 Degrees.

January 1, 665- The Julian Calendar is proposed. Google’s Date 1/1/708

January 1, 666- Julian Calendar took full effect. Google’s Date 1/1/709
March 15, 666- Julius Caesar Death.

BC= Before Christ. 12 characters 2 words. Illuminati 122

No Leap Year: makes 365 days. Three Hundred Sixty Five-269
Leap Year makes 366 days. Three Hundred Sixty Six= 279

Nobody comes before God- 207 to #’s. 20 characters.
Letters to #’s. 1-365= 76,331 (7+6+3+3+1= 20- God, Pyramids
Pt 2. 1-365 with Character Count.
5851/9= 650.111111111= 20- God, Pyramids

(207+20= 227-Matching Nobody comes before God
272-Reverse Order.
33 degrees of Freemasonry.

Three Hundred Sixty Six= 279 to #’s 24 characters.
Freemasonry started on 24th (279+24= 303.

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