Delicious, Healthy Salad Dressings - which oils to use and why

10 months ago

David Getoff is a highly respected educator and an exceptional cook. Using David’s favorite blender, the Bamix, (or a similar blender), and a few minutes in the kitchen with the right ingredients, you, too can make fantastic dressings to excite the taste buds and transform your salads, meats, and other foods.

This video will do more than simply instruct you on how to make healthy dressings. You will learn which types of oils are the healthiest, which manufacturers make the best quality oils, why the Bamix is David’s blender of choice, how to make your very own healthy mayonnaise and much more!

David teaches you by demonstration on how to make a variety of different salad dressings. Even more important, he teaches you all the tricks that you need to know in order to get the best results. He also teaches you the ability to season and spice in the simplest way possible. David tells you the company he buys his spices from.

For the past 10 years David had been trying to find just a few healthy salad dressings in the health food stores. Alas, they always seem to contain some of the many unhealthy ingredients such as various sugars, canola oil, soy oil, cottonseed oil, MSG, or numerous chemicals. None of these belong in anything that is meant to be consumed by health conscious individuals. Manufacturers have always told him that it would be too costly to use either extra virgin olive oil, or to purchase their oils from the few manufacturers which see to it that their cold or expeller pressing processes are truly low temperature. So here it is, a simple instructional video that will teach you to make your own extremely healthy salad (or other) dressings at home.

David Getoff is a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, and an elected member of both the International College of Integrative Medicine and the American College of Nutrition. David is a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine and is an approved provider for the California Board of Registered Nursing. He is also the Vice President of the 60 year old Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,

David has produced over a dozen educational videos on topics ranging from cancer, heart disease, detoxification, and diabetes to seasoning foods and making healthy salad dressings. He has been teaching this health course, which he developed, for over 20 years.
David has given lectures at medical nutritional, and dental conferences, as well as organic farming conferences across the US.

He is the author of Abundant Health in a Toxic World, co-author of Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally, and has been a paid expert witness in the field of clinical nutrition.

David has added articles, MP3’s, and other information that he feels the learner would benefit from receiving that can be found on his website:

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