The Hat Man | A Shadow that feeds on Fear!

1 year ago

You may not have heard of the Hat Man, but there’s a chance he’s found his way into your dreams once or twice. A spooky, shadowy figure often described as wearing a dark coat and a hat. Victims worldwide have reported seeing this man peering into their homes, their bedrooms, their cars, their lives and even-into their souls! It starts with the feeling of not being alone, only to look to the foot of your bed and find that you were right.

There's a stranger in your room and you know that you see him, worst of all, you know that he sees you, too! You try to scream or run, only to find that you are paralyzed! Terror then reaches new levels as he approaches you, leans within inches of your face and lets you know that he is indeed-your worst nightmare! This is the true story of the beginning of unthinkable horror that you have never heard of before!

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