Trend-Following Trader Tips for 2023’s Shifting Stock Market Environment

11 months ago

David Keller is Chief Market Strategist at In this interview, the technical analysis specialist shares his view of 2023 market conditions so far – and the outlook for the second half of the year. Specifically, he discusses what the charts are telling him about the S&P 500 in general, the tech sector in particular, and some of the sleeper groups – like industrials and materials – that may be ready to move NEXT as tech stops to catch its breath.

David also covers the THREE goals every trend-following trader should have, as well as the TWO key indicators that suggest a trend change is coming. He further discusses a “behavioral trap” to avoid, plus the SIX things traders CAN and should focus on controlling (rather than all the things they can’t). Finally, he gives a sneak peek at what he’ll discuss at our upcoming Investment Masters Symposium in Las Vegas, set for Aug. 8-10, 2023 at the Paris Las Vegas. Click here to register:

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