What I Got For My Birthday - 2016 Blowout

8 years ago

By the time this will get uploaded, it'll be 2 days after my birthday (central). So I'm sorta-kinda late on this. Just' been rather active with other things that I couldn't get to this until now, ha ha!

I also realized I forgot to include Ranch Fritos and Jack Links Beef Jerky which I already stored away on a downstairs food shelf. My bad!

Reference links:

The golf flag + cup images:
.... but not the actual one, lol!

raocow and AOD's comic book (The Accelerate Arc, not the School Arc. My bad!):

raocow's DeviantArt:

AOD's DeviantArt:

You "could" read most of the comic starting at page 83 here:
... up through page 258. (Or start before that of course. ;P )

I also "might" get something for myself:

But I have been debating myself on this for ages now because I've had really bad experiences with HD gaming. Why factory refurbished? Well:
1: Because when a manufacturer refurbishes something, they check it over to see what is or isn't working to fix it. So "generally" they have a higher chance of working long-term than a new one. (Think like when you need to send something in for repairs, usually it never needs to be repaired again after that because the issue it was shipped out with to begin with new got fixed.)
2: It's cheaper and I'm cheap.
3: That's it. :P


Here are my other main accounts if you'd like to follow them:

My deviantART: http://www.pkgam.deviantart.com
My Tumblr: http://www.pkgam.tumblr.com
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PkGam



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