Flavoring Foods for your health: Foolproof way of learning to season and spice like a chef.

10 months ago

David Getoff began seasoning and spicing the food that his mother cooked when he was a child. His well attended cooking classes have helped many adults to greatly improve their abilities in the kitchen. David has often commented that being a great cook and having people drool over your recipes is simply a matter of learning how to season and spice your dishes so as to make them absolutely delicious.

As a well respected Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist and educator, David has taught many aspects of health, nutrition, and healthy cooking since 1990. David’s students and patients have asked him to produce a video that would teach them to be better cooks, thus this video was born.

How does a cook add seasonings and spices without ruining the dish? How can you determine what might make each recipe taste better without inadvertently making it much worse? Of all the herbs and spices, which should you use? What other food items can be added to improve the flavor of your foods? Are there any herbs that absolutely must be used fresh because the dried form always loses its flavor?

This video will completely change your ability to produce delicious meals. You will finally know what to do and what you like, so that “ordinary” will never describe your meals again. If you watch David’s video on making healthy salad dressings, your entire meal will become a new and exciting experience.

If you view David’s Eating for Optimal Health video, you will learn everything you need to know about food to reduce illness and extend your life.

David Getoff is a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, and an elected member of both the International College of Integrative Medicine and the American College of Nutrition. David is a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine and is an approved provider for the California Board of Registered Nursing. He is also the Vice President of the 60 year old Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, www.ppnf.org.

David has produced over a dozen educational videos on topics ranging from cancer, heart disease, detoxification, and diabetes to seasoning foods and making healthy salad dressings. He has been teaching this health course, which he developed, for over 20 years.

David has given lectures at medical nutritional, and dental conferences, as well as organic farming conferences across the US.

He is the author of Abundant Health in a Toxic World, co-author of Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally, and has been a paid expert witness in the field of clinical nutrition.

David has added articles, MP3’s, and other information that he feels the learner would benefit from receiving that can be found on his website: www.davidgetoff.com.

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