The Connection Blind Walkthough Part 9: Fitting End (Finale)

7 years ago

That couldn't have been a better ending to summarize the whole experience. XD Also, this puzzle might very well be the toughest in the game so I'm rather glad I happen to have found it last.

Here's a better resolution shot of the ending I made into a gif:

So "maybe" this took place in a computer and "maybe" you're some sort of bug fixer (hence "connection"). "Maybe" slendercube is a virus (static/distortion/crashing)? "Maybe" the game takes place in one's mind or an AI's. Who knows. I don't think I missed any puzzles or secrets, but I could be wrong. I definitely found a "better" ending for completing all the gray puzzles via slendercube, which of course was the fake "crash" of sorts. Replaying that ending in a higher resolution it of course still didn't show anything so it wasn't the 640x480 I played it in. It clearly was some sort of DOS-like error thing though given the whole static thing from slendercube. Or was it? Like I said, I just don't know. XD It certainly was a interesting experience though! The puzzles were pretty logical, exploration was interesting and the visuals were abstract goodness.

It's certainly not a 1-hour game though! lol! Well, at least not if you scour the place as thoroughly as possible like I did. I was joking about this a lot, but I really find it quite hard to believe that anyone would be able to locate and solve all of these puzzles around 1 hour (blind of course) considering that the game purposefully doesn't give you information and has you figure out things solo. Sure you could understand the concept fast, but that wouldn't mean that you would solve the increasingly complex puzzles quickly. Quite a few of them were tricky for even me to figure out and I've been solving all sorts of puzzles all my life. I can't even say for sure I found everything. I looked for a guide after making this part and wasn't able to locate one. So as far as I know, this is the most complete guide of it in existence as of this date. There's also other factors about it that may or may not be factors. For instance: What if there's a timer keeping track of your progress that changes things the faster you go through it. Like maybe a better ending or secret puzzle. Perhaps Slendercube moving wasn't triggered by me solving that last gray puzzle, but the timer moving past a certain time limit and the sound just happen to have played when I beat the last gray one.... as unlikely as that is. :P But what I'm saying is that these sorts of things are hard to pinpoint, especially in a game this mysterious.

Though I think the way I experienced it here is exactly how it was intended to be experienced: As an experience that you ask questions about but not necessarily find the answers for. Hence the exploration aspects for stuff, hence the seemingly optional puzzles for game completion, hence the "best" ending technically being a "worse" outcome, etc... to create lots of speculation from start to finish. Some people want closure, but I dunno... there's something about leaving something open-ended that can be more fun than a conclusion. Just think of all the fan theories/headcanon that pop up for franchises of which many have plausibility. Pokemon has a load of them for instance and as a result spawn tons of discussion, stories and general teamwork to try and piece things together.


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