The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask Walkthrough Part 27: Freeze Sucka'!

7 years ago

I was a bit worried that a freeze wouldn't happen this run through the game because it would be like the game making me seem like a liar. Little did I know I'd get two in the same part. XD Though admittedly I would prefer if the game didn't freeze AT ALL because it's majorly inconvenient. But ehhh, it was bound to happen so I might as well use it as an example. So remember to ALWAYS Owl Save frequently in this game like I have been doing because no matter which N64 revision or port you play, it's bound to freeze. (Not' counting the 3DS one here because it's a remake of course. Also, the 3DS one never froze on me anyway, likely indicating it's a lot more stable.)

Oh and we get heart pieces and a bottle and stuff. ;D

Edit: Here's an alternative thumbnail for this part I was going to use first of the first freeze, but opted not to because the blank screen implies more than what looks like an action shot without context:


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