Dr. Meryl Nass on the Globalist Push to Impose a CORPORATE Globalist Tyranny on the Whole Planet, Through Means of a CORPORATE P(L)andemic Treaty, Drawn Up by UNELECTED GLOBALIST BANKSTERS LACKEYS

11 months ago

Meryl Nass, MD, is an internal medicine physician and activist with expertise in anthrax and bioterrorism; her interest is in prevention, investigation, amelioration, and safe and effective medical response. Her expertise and experience includes treating patients with Gulf War syndrome and adverse effects from the anthrax vaccine. She has raised cogent critiques about the deficient response to the recent Ebola outbreak; unfounded panic about a so-called measles epidemic; global vaccine safety issues; medical ethics; and corruption in the medical industrial military complex.

Dr. Nass tries to provide a balanced medical approach to such issues; she analyzes medical crises by digging into the hidden underlying facts and details, often finding the media reportage to be skewed, by following biased corporate and government agency lenses whose perspective serves a financial and / or political agenda. Dr. Nass fills in the crucial undisclosed details and provides a deeper, nuanced analysis. She has provided testimony to seven Congressional committees and her work has been mentioned in 25 books.

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