Golf Story Blind Walkthrough Part 10: Mini Quests, Mini Cold

5 years ago

After much self debate and mucus clearing, I figured I could at least "try" making one part per day with the remnants of my cold as opposed to making parts em masse until I get my voice fully back since I noticed that I can talk for around a half hour straight before it starts feeling/sounding strained again. I don't feel bad or anything, I just "sound" bad when I'm all clogged. So the game continues! :D

That being said, I finally understand what the first switch I hit at Wellworn Grove did! It lit up the light on the front of the mini golf building at the upper right corner. Hint hint! So you can likely see what other thing I ran through this part..... Yep, that's right! The driving range has a quest or two we can do! Wait...

Also' found the idol thanks to some thought I put into that part of the main story during editing. However I decided to continue on my path to sidequesting because I was going to do all the sidequests anyway. Right? At least I "hope" there are no missables in this game! I would doubt it considering the thought they put into the game's design, but that possibility always worries me.


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