Pokemon Card GB 2 Part 69: Inevitable Removal

4 years ago

It was only a matter of time, lol! We won't make friends with this deck, but you certainly could use it against your enemies to irritate the heck out of them. :P

So as you see with this build, the Eneegy Removal copies have been maxed to 8. On top of that, there's two copies of each of the three stage-1 evolutionary lines I have. 4 copies of Brofessor Oak and Chall...... Bill, along with Pokemon Trader, also go far to keep them coming. So basically not a game goes by where I'm not removing multiple energy. Thinking back, while this deck is quite effective, maybe it would work a bit better if I increased the attack power and streamlined the evolutions. Say... removing the Eevee line for a few Articuno lv35 and Bill/Itemfinder. With Blizzard, I can nick Pokemon down to size to get them in that magic 30-40 HP range. May' also nick my own Pokemon. :P But I'd only need one successful flip for it to work.


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#Pokemon #TCG #GameBoy #Two #GreatRocket

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